Tuanyi international furniture center Sourcing Agent and Market Guide Service


Tuan Yi International Furniture City

The price is cheaper and the variety is quite complete. But the style is relatively old, the update is not frequent.


Tuanyi international furniture center
Products: Home furniture, beds, beddings, home decorations, desks, chairs, tables.
Price and quality: Average to high-grade items, cheap to average prices.
Items in stock: Some suppliers have items in stock for smaller items but not for larger items like beds and tables.
Minimum order quantity (in stock): About 10 items per style and color.
Minimum order quantity (production): About 10-30 items per style and color.
Locale: Modern, clean and spacious.
Size: About 100 000 square meters with hundreds of different shops and stores.
Business hours: 09:00 – 18:00
Location: Foshan city, shunde area, Foshan road south (佛山市顺德区佛山大道南)
About a 40-minute drive from central Guangzhou (depending on traffic)

Our Sourcing Guide Service :

1. The wholesale market guide will recommend the best market for you.
2. Our wholesale market guide will help you bargain the prices and MOQ. 
Of course, you should make the decisions whether accept or not.
3. Maybe you will find many vendors have similar products that you interested in, 
and you want to record to compare before making a decision. 
Take it easy, our wholesale market guide will help you. 
She will take photos, record in the notebook, including all of the details required.
4. Our market guide will work as an interpreter for you. Furthermore, 
she will try her best to help you reach a satisfying agreement with the vendors.
5. Additionally, the market guider will record the supplier’s basic information, 
such as name card, salesman, booth address, etc.
6. In the night, the market guider will organize all of the basic information onto a spreadsheet every day. It normally includes the details of products, vendors, delivery time, MOQ, etc.


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