China Sourcing Agent Service

No MOQ: We do not enforce a MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity). Whatever size your order may be, we strive to source the best products and meet all your requirements.

Lower Sourcing Price: We source 5 quotations from established trusted suppliers. Our persuasive sales representative will bargain on your behalf to ensure the best quality at the lowest cost.

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We Can Source Everything You Want: With our many years of experience in the sourcing arena, our knowledge and skills are sound. We believe we can help you find the right supplier even for the rarest of goods.

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Integrate One-Stop Bundling: To save you the time and improve your business’s efficiency, we can source different items from various suppliers all at once. Our services include assembling and packaging of the products so that they are ready for re-sell.

Sample Production Once:
We have found your ideal supplier, we will communicate and oversee your product specifications for samples. When the samples have been produced, we will send them on to you. After confirming that you are totally satisfied with the sample, we will then confirm your product run with the suppler.

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Real-Time Production Follow-Up:
Once your order has been placed, we will oversee the duration of the manufacturing process for you. You can expect honest, real-time feedback and on-time delivery.

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Cost-Effective Delivery Solution
Only once you are satisfied with what we have sourced and quoted, you can confirm your purchase. Our service fee will apply to your order amount. There are no up-front fees before your order production. We have a service guarantee that there will be no additional charges to your order.

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