Guangzhou Baima Garment Market is the biggest medium to high-end clothing wholesale market in Guangzhou.
Guangzhou Baima Garment market has the largest scale, the most complete matching and the largest transaction volume.
There are more than 2,000 merchants in the market. They come from the Pearl River Delta, Zhejiang and Fujian province, as well as Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea. It is not only a wholesale and retail center for medium and high-end clothing, but also a clothing brand franchise center. In addition, Wholesale and retail, sample orders, monopoly agents, franchise and other trading methods are available. Into the Baima market, the colorful fashion is dizzying, and the models show the latest fashion trends.
It totally has 9 floors. Basement floor is a zone for knitting, tops, children’s wear, underwear, also leather goods, boutiques, and so on. First floor and second floor are selling fashion ladies’ clothing. And also second floor is more trendy. Third to fifth floor is for fashion brand woman’s clothing. Sixth to seventh floor are fashion brand man’s clothing zone. Eighth floor is selling European and Korean brand woman’s clothing.
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